Iustin Pop
2025-02-14 22:20:01 UTC
PermalinkI have a package that, in the extract source step, generates very large
"artifacts" - I guess this is the actual source code. And this fails, of
course (https://salsa.debian.org/debian/doc-rfc/-/jobs/7091134):
$ du -sh
2.0G .
Uploading artifacts...
/builds/debian/doc-rfc/debian/output/: found 29377 matching artifact files and directories
WARNING: Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 502 Bad Gateway id=7091134 responseStatus=502
I looked at https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline, but I
couldn't find information to understand:
- are artifacts required?
- if not, how to disable artifacts
There's a mention about reprotest and artifact selection, but it's not
what I need. Help?
Thanks in advance!