Hi Ansgar,
Post by Ansgar ð±I'm wondering how we can clean up suites like experimental and
unstable. They tend to slowly accumulate cruft that nobody cleans up,
including no longer installable packages.
As a very simple start, I would like to remove packages from
experimental that haven't seen an upload for a long time (arbitrarily
chosen as before 2020-01-01 for the list below).
What do people think about this?
Thanks for cleaning up the archive. The proposed criteria vaguely makes
sense to me for experimental, but not as much for unstable.
Post by Ansgar ð±I would also like to do something similar to unstable; maybe start with
packages uploaded before some arbitrary date that are also not included
in any of oldstable/stable/testing. These can cause problems like
wasting time to investigate cruft removals, build failures, ...
Does that seem reasonable as well?
I earlier proposed unstable removals and am now operating a
semi-automatic unstable auto remover. Its semantics are as follows.
Consider packages that have an rc bug in unstable that hasn't been
interacted with within one year and where the package in question is not
part of stable nor testing and is not a key package. For each of those
packages file an important removal suggestion bug. Reassign such bugs to
ftp.d.o as RM/RoQA bugs to ftp after a month of idleness. This seems to
work out quite well and I removed more than 100 source packages this
Feedback welcome.
For unstable, I think there is more reason to keep packages that have
not been uploaded in a while - so long as they do not accumulate rc
Post by Ansgar ð±monkeysphere | 2019-05-19 23:33:52.925219+00
I removed it from unstable, and missed experimental. Do you have any
hints on how to improve the RM bug #1085868 such that experimental is
also covered?
Post by Ansgar ð±php-sabre-event | 2015-11-06 01:20:46.165676+00
I think I also removed this from unstable. Same question.